Friday, June 26, 2009

Hey! It's MY BLOG. You can have YOURS too!

Just a really gentle reminder to all who reads this blog... ... This is my blog. I write what I want. You can have yours too and write what you want. If you don't like what I write, click away and forget you have ever come across this blog please.

I wrote about my personal preference of shooting in "Aperture Priority Mode" during weddings and some who shoot "MANUAL" responded behind facebook calling me names. Though I still don't have facebook till now but I have friends telling me and emailing me about it.

goes to all who reads my posts FAIRLY(as it is entirely a personal preference which I did mentioned). Also, in regards to my sentiments about the Malaysia Wedding Industry written here and here, it is also ENTIRELY my personal feelings and observation and do not contain any hidden agenda of sabotaging. I wrote them simply to point out the SERIOUS ISSUE OF BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ETHICS AND VALUES. No names were ever mentioned, just issues. I want you guys to focus on the ethic issues we face, NOT otherwise. I also believe we face such ethic issues everywhere, just that usually Malaysians keep quiet about it.

Who cares whether you are shooting AUTO or MANUAL, film or digital when your shots are simply stunning! Let's focus on better things.