Sunday, September 27, 2009

In Memory of 9-11, The Power Of Images!

Not long ago on September 11, I was watching youtube at home when I stumbled upon this video documentary on the "Falling Man" which most of us might have forgotten or some of us probably have not known. The Falling Man is a picture taken by AP Photographer Richard Drew during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. The video documentary has 8 parts in youtube (click here to see it). Just thought of sharing it as this ONE IMAGE has led to the production of this meaningful documentary and many other writings on it. One good novel is by Don DeLillo (see link below image). Let us all NEVER to forget the power of images! We should all thank God for the invention of cameras! My heart still aches with much pain and sorrow each time I see this image, thinking deep about the thoughts and feelings of this man when he was jumping, taking his life in his own hands. If that's the way we humans treat one another, we deserve no mercy.

Image taken from

You can also read about an interesting novel written by Don DeLillo in here.